I chose to go with a product called "Women over 40", which is made by a company called "Rightfoods".
I heard about this company recently from a teacher (William) that I had in the beginning of my program. He is a N.D., Before he was an N.D. he was a personal trainer and I have complete faith in is recomendation of this product line.
"Rightfoods"is easier to find by visiting thier website. I haven't seen this product in Sprouts but I haven't tried whole foods or any other market either.
"Rightfoods" are a WHOLE FOOD supplement that are grown organically on an organic farm and are compressed into tablets. William says "VERY GOOD STUFF!"
I will blog about what time of day I take my supplements, if I need to take them with or without food, what I hope to achieve or experience and what is the theraputic dose.
I must say that the "women over 40" uses herbs that I have just started taking in tincture form again too. so I will ask my teacher Dr. Henele if I should stop with the tinctures.
Below is the nutrional information of "women over 40"

Tonight I went into Sprouts Farmers Market and bought New Chapter multi vit. for women to compare...
I have trusted NEW CHAPTER brand and compared it to my new found company and find that RIGHTFOODS brand is much higher in a lot of the ingredients, also has a lot more ingredients, Both are organicly grown whole foods, both make similar vitamins, both use herbs, yet Rightfoods is consideribly less expensive. the only concern that I had was a an ingredients that was significantly lower in Righfoods than New Chapter, that ingredient was copper, 550mcg lower in copper.
I need to find out how much copper that I need to take, if I am deficient and if I need to supplement my supplement.
I decided to start taking ny New Chapter womans one daily until the other product comes in the mail.
It says I can take it any time of day, once daily, on an empty or full stomach. That makes it easy.
I hope to experience more energy, better mood, and for my hair to stop falling out which it has been doing for the last 3 weeks. CONSIDERIBLE amounts at a time.
Day one of my trial was 7/2/2010.
Looking forward to this new blog of yours. I just turned 49 and do not take supplements at this time. Like you, I'm not sure whether our bodies absorb them. Love reading all of your posts on Herban Chica, and would love to find a similar school in NJ like the one you attend to better utilize the herbs I grow.
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th!