Do we need to take vitamin C as a supplement? What if I eat a lot of fruits?
As we know Vitamin c is essential for human nutrition.. The question is can we ingest enough fruits and vegetables with vitamin C to avoid having to take it as a supplement too.
Prescription drugs that deplete your vitamin C levels:
Anti inflammatories
Hormone replacement therapy
Loop diuretics
Female Hormones
We most defiantly get Vitamin C from our fruits and veggies such as Broccoli,Peppers,Berries and citrus (to name just a few)However are the fruits and veggies that we are consuming of high enough quality that they contain enough vitamin C?

It isn't just about buying fresh organic fruits and veggies, it is also about eating them in a timely manner. For instance when visiting a salad bar or eating pre cut veggies or fruits.. how much vitamin C is left in them before consumption? Not as much as you may think, sometimes 1/2 the amount of vitamin C is lost in just the first few hours after cutting into them.
Learning this, I have decided to supplement my vitamin C. This poses a few more questions:
How do I know that I am deficient?
What benefits can I expect from taking Vit C
What type do I buy?
How much do I take?
Are there other vitamins that I can take that will help me absorb better?
I went to a few websites to answer some of these questions they are listed below:
PUBMED on intake
PUBMED on deficiency and scurvy
I also referred to M.T. Murray N.D.'s book "Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements.
Vitamin C deficiency signs including but not limited to:
bleeding gums
poor wound healing
extensive bruising
susceptibility to infection, hysteria, and depression
all of these symptoms related to scurvy.
Benefits of Taking Vitamin C:
Immune function by enhancing WBC function and increasing interferon levels.
Antioxidant (superior antioxidant)
What type of vitamin C do I choose?
there are so many to choose from! corn or sago palm? absorbic acid or buffered?
I recommend talking to your doctor to choose the correct type for you but in brief I can say that I read in Dr.Murry's book that if you are sensitive to corn than use a vitamin C from Sago Palm, if you have stomach issues then try buffered rather than absorbic acid and when it comes to the new hype on ester C types... don't waste your money as there is no scientific proof that ester C actually works better.
There is many reasons to use Vitamin C, Here is a shorter list of only a small percentage of the ailments in which vitamin C and help:
Are there any safety concerns or dosing information that need to be noted?
A healthy person shouldn't need more than 2-9 grams per day, a higher dose for for times of stress or illness.
Vitamin C is very safe to use however if you are over dosing than diarrhea or gas may occur.
caution to those who have recurrent kidney stones, kidney disease or gout-may consider staying under 10 grams. As I have mentioned time and time again, always discuss adding or subtracting any supplements or medicines with your physician.
In Dr Murrys book he states that using vitamin c in comination with beta carrotenem,Vitamin E and glutathione is recommended.
Also Stated:
Vitamin C increases absorbtion of Iron
Decreases absorbtion of copper
and interferes with blood tests for vitamin B12... i did google this and found a few other sources, how scientific they are I do not know but Vit C and Vitamin B12 issues certainly isn't unheard of.